Approaching The Border
Word Count :: 337Sorry about the delay; had work >.<

Releasing the mares reigns he mumbled a line of instructions to her, indicating that she should return to the stables and request sugar or something from Aphrodite; the incentive was given to annoy his cousin as much as it was to insure that the mare obeyed. Unlike his ability with crows, his understanding of a horses low speech was weak, but nevertheless Hibiki seemed to have understood the point he was attempting to make and obeyed all too gleefully, no doubt because of the prospect of food rather then a willingness to serve her owner. As the horse departed, Beyaz swapped from Alexander's shoulder to the storm coloured Angelo's, the crows claws pinching and digging into the male's flesh; it surprised him that the bird hadn't left him with an cicatrix yet.

Leaving from his position against the wall, padding over and crouching beside the male to have a quick look at his leg. “Hrmm, well. I can pour a load of alcohol over it and bandage you up so you look ridiculous; got nothing for the pain and stuff, dunno what Panda is doing or who else has medical know how so that'll have to do you for now” the Seere informed the black one, easing himself back up into a standing position he glanced towards the Angelo before turning his attention back to the black male. “Our chambers just down through the tunnel, not far. I can treat you there, if you think you can manage the distance?” ice eyes flicked to the cave entrance and back to the male. “Oh, and i'm Alexander. You would be?” the ghostly male attempted a reassuring smile, pitying the guy somewhat for being stuck with the Angelo's sole company for so long and having been made no doubt to walk the whole way to the caves with an injured leg.

“Calls himself Malakai.” he cut in quickly, instantly making his way towards the caves without glancing back to see if Alexander or Malaki were intending to follow him.

Wolf photo by incanus, textures by Wu-KillahD & AsunderStock

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