Approaching The Border

WC:: 401 - OOC Thats great, thanks for the help!!

Malakai caught the almost suspicious tone of Alaki's voice when he answered his question about his pack, and in his head ran many thoughts. Did this one think Kai was some sort of spy, sent by another pack to gather information on his members, his family, on the location of his dens? Kai suddenly felt a little uneasy about the rather innocent question he had asked, and so remained silent for the rest of the journey. When they moved along the tunnels, Kai let out a very light, pained snort with each step as he put a little weight on his injured leg, before reaching the Alpha's chamber.

Stepping inside, Kai's gaze moved over the guest area, glancing to the couch on their right, the table before them and the warm glow of the fire as it danced in the breeze at the far end of the chamber. However, his interest was soon taken more by the weapons mounted upon the wall. As the Alpha made himself comfortable, Kai stayed close to him so that he didn't think the intruder to be snooping around, but it was clear he seemed fascinated by the weapons he saw there. He had never been much of a one for blades himself. Why would he need to, when he carried a set of claws sharper than any blade, and jaws that could snap bone and rip apart muscle?

"These weapons you have here... Do you use them much, or are they simply for show?" His large head tilted back to look at Alaki with a curious look, but when he feared the male thought his questions to be again suspicious, Kai shook his head a little. He had to remember that he was a guest here. He usually had little need for politeness or submissive poses and so wasn't very practiced at them. "I apologise if you think I'm being... rude. I'm just... The pack I grew up in rarely shifted beyond our Secui forms, so we had little need for any weaponry. We just used the power, speed, agility and weapons we are already armed with. It made us good hunters. There's nothing quite like close quarters combat to release aggression..." The black wolf looked around again at the chamber, looking to the fire that burned within, waiting for the other to return with the medical supplies needed to take care of his leg.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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