Approaching The Border
Word Count :: 396 :3 Slight pp of alex pouring the liquid onto his leg

With the question, the scarred samurai’s face turned to the wall mount of which he displayed a Katana gifted to him from Aphrodite; to old and weak to be used in actual combat but a beautiful blade regardless. The lines and thin engravements near the blade collar were intricate and details, the red and black handle making the blade even more of a sight to behold; to say the least, he was a slight sucker for classic weapons, in particular blades. Below the Katan was it's sheath, black in colour decorated with black and gold towards the scabbard throat and the last thing on display were two small Tanto's. A slow grin began to spread across his maw, one that displayed his love of fighting along with the promise of violence, for only when in combat did he truly feel alive, obly when he forced another to submit before him did everything seem right. He was no fool and understood such feelings were nothing more then a form of blood-lust, sheer desire to kill anyone he deemed to be standing in his path, for lives were so easily taken away, so fragile.

“The ones on display, no. They are merely old relics that were gifted to me. Do I use Katanas in general, yes. Much more fun then typical combat” blue eyes light up, his words nothing but truth; he'd once limited him to that which was natural only to find a love for combat by wielding blades. “And it's not rude to inquire. Everyone was raised within their own circumstances and have their own life stories to tell. Heck, there's such a variety living here within Anathema that ya can't help but get used to nosy gits and questions” dark shoulders rose and fell in a small shrug, a hand reaching up to his face and pushing back his over grown bangs. With his response given Alex soon returned, dumping a bottle of some unnamed alcohol on the table along with bandages, “Gonna hurt like a git, but don't moan and lemme work” he instructed the male, picking up the bottle again he quickly moved around to the others side and poured the liquid out the black ones wound.

“So what are your plans once your legs sorted, Malakai” he asked in an attempt to distract the male to allow for Alex to work easily.

Wolf photo by incanus, textures by Wu-KillahD & AsunderStock

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