[M] - My Little Friend


He was right and wrong in his assumptions. He was right, Amy was a devious character. If there was something Jaden truly found as evil, it was bending others to your will. Slavery was distasteful, unnecessary, and wrong. He was wrong in assuming that the woman before him was good at heart. How wrong he was hadn’t become completely clear yet but her admitting to being a slaver pasted displeasure on his obsidian body. Slavery? A distasteful endeavor. I hope you got your compensation. He tried to look at it as a fault made by the buyer only to keep his own interest in the woman alight.

The fog made visual distraction from the other wolf difficult. Numerous weapons, fine liquor, trading and selling… items. If I knew you better, I might call you a merchant. He turned the bottle to her to offer the blond woman a drink. Are you in a hurry to find your way off somewhere? Or can you enjoy a little bit of this with me? Jaden was trying to convince himself that everyone had a few unfortunate personal qualities, that being a slave trader was just one of these occurrences. There was still a dwindling chance that he might enjoy her company.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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