Approaching The Border

WC:: 483 - OOC Hi, thanks for the welcome! I was made aware of a few errors in my previous posts so I will try to be more careful lol

As the sting of the alcohol flushed through his system, he did his best to bite back the snarls that built within him. However, when Malakai lifted his muzzle into the air, taking in a deep breath to calm his spiking heart rate, he caught another scent on the air that didn't belong to either male currently with him in the chamber. This scent was new, and the one thing he could tell was that it belonged to a female. Quickly, his attention faded from the pain at his flank and instead lingered on this approaching scent. His eyes turned to the enterence to the chamber, curious to the white muzzle that appeared there. When the white stranger stood in the doorway, Malakai tried to hide the fact that his feral gaze cast over her rather appreciatively. After all, she had called for Alaki, and so Kai assumed the female was his mate, making her the Alpha female of the pack. But Kai was male, after all...

As the female introduced herself, Malakai felt a slow, rather dark grin spread over his jaws despite the pain in his flank. She was a better distraction that the Angelo's questions, but again, reminding himself to be respectful. He was a stranger here amongst this pack, someone to be wary of simply because he was an unknown quantity. Looking to Naniko, Kai glanced to Alaki briefly, before addressing the female. "I am indeed lucky for Alaki's kindness. And whatever his reasons for letting me in, I am grateful for it, and for the help he has offered." Kai kept his whole body language as submissive as he could, now in the presence of three members of this pack, whose territory he was invading by his presence. "I had intended to ask for your hospitality for only a few days while I rested, allowing my leg to heal enough so that I might leave..." And then, the feeling of loss he had felt ever since he had been exiled from his own pack kicked in, swelling in his chest. Out there, he was alone. But here, he had the opportunity to be a part of something again, to feel like he belonged. In truth, he missed being part of a pack, of the brotherhood. Malakai heaved out a heavy sigh, his eyes sparking with someone new now. Hope.

His gaze shifted between the female and the male, before looking back to Naniko, his head cocked to the side a little. "Would you consider, perhaps, something a little more permenant?" Kai hated asking for help, hated admitting he needed any, but he had already done both to Alaki, and now came the opportunity to make something of himself again, to brush off his tainted past. He had killed his own brother, though. How could this pack accept him after that? How could they trust him around their members?

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