Innocent Bystander
Ahren seemed so far away, even if he was just right there, and Jasper reached out with one arm for him, a feeble attempt to make sure that he was there. His arm didn't make it though, and instead dropped to his stomach with a quiet thud. After a moment his other hand raised, fingers walking carefully across his father's chest, drawing small pictures there in the fur, and he smiled a delusional smile. They were pictures of happy times, at least in his head. Pictures of dinners with his family and always finding Tegan in the amazingly large library. It all stopped after a moment though, his arm falling to rest carefully against his chest, hazy vision seeking out the face of the man that carried him.

He sang. Quiet words that seemed vaguely familiar, like something he could recall from a dream. He knew the words, spawned from some memory in the back of his head. He wanted to sing too. The young man opened his mouth to join in, but it never got that far. Teeth slammed shut with a clatter suddenly and a dazed look came across him. The jerking starting with his arms, faint and protected between himself and his father, but soon his legs started, quickly moving in to his whole body. It was like a giant muscle spasm, quivering and jerking in the larger man's arms.


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