An Expedition

OOC i know that table! isn't that holly's?

Word Count → 000

Hotaru stumbled back, immediately sending Terra into a more dominant stance over the weaker female. She held still while Hotaru took back her balance before stepping out of reach. Trade? The coyote thought about that for a moment, considering what was meant. She knew what trade was. It was when something was given for something else. It happened at the festival. Terra hadn't done much trading herself, more apt to just taking whatever she wanted. She nodded her head at the white male's explanation, remembering him as the one that had explained everything about heat to her.

Casa di Cavalieri. So that was the name of the pack. Terra hadn't yet investigated the pack, but she was going to make sure to do that after this. They seemed like someone worth getting to know, participating in something so odd. The female smirked at Hotaru's warning. Who, me? That would never happen! do I get the fat bird and the sheep? They looked really tasty. Terra was definitely going to get those and eat it.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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