Approaching The Border

WC:: 414 - OOC That sounds great! Yes, Malakai will accept the offer so feel free to perform the blood ceremony. I actually had a thought about his rank already, but I'll wait until I get the 20 posts before checking it's alright.

Hearing the female's words, about working towards the common goal, Kai nodded a little. All packs had a comman goal, it was something innate that held them together, an understanding that they would protect each other from any threat, that they would take care of each other when they needed it. However, as the female spoke of the wretched, the lost and the unwanted, Malakai let his eyes fall. Her words so perfectly described him, they pierced his very soul. He was all three. And he knew he would be better off here, with others around who could offer the same kind of help that were already doing should he need it again. Kai had been raised within a pack, had been so used to it's guidelines, it's confines, that living out in the world on his own had been against everything he had known. But his arrogance and stubborness had told him that he would be fine. He was a good hunter, after all, and he was strong. But he had not been fine. The wound on his flank proved that.

His eyes returned to the female, the Angela of this Pack, regarding her as she toyed with her braid. If he accepted her offer, he would be taken in, and he would have a home once more, somewhere to belong, but more than that, he would have others to belong to. After his banishment from his own pack, he had missed his family greatly, despite the fact that killing his own brother was the cause of his exile. Resentment still brewed in him for his now-dead brother - Kai had been jealous of Rafael since the moment they were born, and even after his death, it was because of Rafael that Malakai had no family to belong to, no pack. He could change that. here, now. They were willing to take him in, even though they had no idea what he had done. They were willing to take the risk on him, and so, with a deep breath, Kai nodded, willing to take the risk on them in return. "So this pack is a haven for the damned..." A statement rather than a question. It sounded like exactly the place he should be. His head bowed slowly, his eyes casting upon the floor before the female, showing her respect. "I accept your offer. Yes, I will join you." His great head lifted, his muzzle showing something of a smile. "It will be nice to have a family again..."

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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