the stars sing to me.


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The girl was stiff at his prodding, and unresponsive to his stance. Typical coyote behavior, so he was not too put off by it. He did notice the glance she threw at Jiva, and when Zalen turned to look at him the wolf-dog quickly explained her appearance. It seemed her name was Emmanuelle, and that she was a new friend of Jiva’s come to visit. Zalen lifted his head and looked at the girl coolly, and then to Jiva. How interesting, a New Dawner friends with an Infernian? Then again, it was not something he could disbelieve, he himself had a friend amongst the coyotes of the south clan after all.

Zalen relaxed then a bit and turned to Emmanuelle, "A pleasure to meet you. I apologize for my sudden appearance, you must understand we don’t get many of your kind here." He gave a soft smile and wagged his tail slowly. This girl, now that he looked at her closely, was not full coyote; the wolf in her was subtle, but it was amplified by her form. She was a delicate and beautiful thing, and Zalen could see why Jiva had chosen her as a friend.

Walking towards Jiva then, but stopping half way and sitting down, "I will let you two alone in a moment, but tell me Emmanuelle, how fairs Inferni? How is Vesper? She is a friend of mine". He hoped his admission of this might put her at ease, if she was at all unnerved by his previous actions.


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