[M] - My Little Friend


Desire to deal with Amy was much easier to fine once she admitted to disliking slavery, even if it was only as long as it was a good deal. Her reminding him that she too was a formal killer only strengthened this too. Though Jaden thought they were similar in having escaped oppressive and demanding marauders of death, he was only part right. Their situations had been so very different. Jaden had never killed for compensation. He had killed for his pack, as a “holder of the peace”, a defender was so wrongfully his given title. Nearly every life on his hands had been taken to ensure the balance of power was kept. Looking back he could easily see how wrong and oppressive Uva Atka had been but it had been what he was raised into. It had been right.

But he was oblivious to this information as he thought he already knew better. The Obsidian Alaskan smiled at her willingness to stay with him. The drink found its way back into his hands and he took a few steps back to the boulder he had been seated on previously. The bow was rested against this rock and, with a brush of his hand to remove the bits of wood, he offered her a seat next to him then took a sip off the bottle. Good, he said, So where do you call home? He was simply interested in her now. He knew of what she could do, what she did do, and what it appeared she liked to do, but he knew little about who this woman actually was. She smelled of a pack that he recognized, but didn’t truly know very well. Not to mention that she was stained with the smell of travel.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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