Approaching The Border
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Sure thing ^^ We're always open to questions, so whenever you want to ask is fine. Feel free to post as you will - I'll get Malakai titled up, now =D Nani could help show him around in this thread, help him find a den or something if you want. I'd love a new thread with you sometime soon, too, if you're interested.

They tried to make something of the canines that lived here, to give them a purpose in their life. Service to the cause was beneficial to everyone in that way, to those who came seeking a new life and to those who already resided within the Howling Caverns and other parts of the pack territory. Most chose to make their dens below ground, but she would not begrudge those who chose to live elsewhere in the territory. Not everyone was suited for cave life.

Without words, Naniko pulled the ceremonial dagger from its sheath, reaching out for his hand to make a small cut along one paw-pad. She did the same to her own, then reached to hold their two hands together. It was a simple and relatively pain-free initiation, one that every unrelated pack member had to go through to become one with the pack. Some were squeamish or didn't like blood, which she could understand..but the rite of passage had been a part of their culture since the pack's founding and was very important to them.

She released his hand, finally speaking. "Yes, and no. I like to think of Anathema as a new beginning, a place where the damned won't be judged for past actions. It's up to the individual to succeed here, as everyone is put on the same playing field when they join. You'll be put as a Zepar, our starting rank, until you prove that you'll be sticking around for good" One could do this by meeting fellow pack members, hunting or scouting for the pack, and keeping up with other regular duties. "Welcome to the family." She licked at her own cut as she spoke. "Can you walk? I can show you to the denning area, or a guest-den until you feel healthy enough to pick a real den to stay in"

Table by Jenny!

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