Approaching The Border

WC:: 346 - OOC A new thread with you sounds great!! And yeah, Malakai would like to get himself settled as soon as he can hehe

As soon as he agreed to join the pack, Malakai lifted his gaze to settle upon his new Alpha female, the Angela, raising his muzzle a little into the air as if sniffing it, his nostrils flaring just a touch. His attention then drifted back over towards Alaki, the Angelo. Kai wondered if they were a mated pair, the Alpha's. Kai was a typical male in many respects, and returning his gaze back to Naniko, he let his eyes drift over her rather appreciatively. He saw a blade emerge, the edge razor-sharp, by the looks of it. As she reached for Kai's paw, he lifted it, offering it to her, watching with interest as she made the cut across his paw before doing the same to her own. When their paws pressed together, his feral eyes once more lifted to watch the female. And that was it. He was a member of the Anathema pack.

Glancing down at the small amount of blood that appeared from the small cut, he lapped at it as his Alpha did. It felt good to think such a thing. That he had an Alpha again, except he had to remember to refer to her as Angela, and Alaki as Angelo. Hearing her welcome, his head bowed once more. "Thank you. So.. what do I have to call you...? Alpha? Angela?" His head cocked to the side a little, almost forgetting about the wound to his flank. It had been seen to for now, and so standing on all-fours, keeping to his Secui form, Kai stretched out a little, wincing with a deep growl as he felt the injury now, but it definately seemed in better condition that when he had arrived. "I can walk. It hurts a little less now, thanks to your help." He glanced back to the males and nodded his head slowly in gratitude. Looking back to the female, Malakai nodded once more. "If you would show me where I can sleep, I would appreciate it." Limping a little towards Naniko, Kai was ready to follow her.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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