[M] - My Little Friend


A boulder was brushed clear. Making sure to brush along him on her way to her seat, mimicking the motion of his hand across the rock Amy sat down close to where he was, letting themselves touch. After all, he had proven himself to struggle when dealing with her in close approximation. It never hurt to tip the odds in her favor. Especially when drink tended to make her...rather loose lipped. And loose in her actions. And several other things that kept her from drinking unless in private.

Tilting her head Amy looked up through the mist. Where did she call home? A rather curious question. One she didn't have the answer to. Amy was a wanderer, simply traveling to where it was more convenient. Her competitive edge and drive to never submit again drove her to rise in Anathema's ranks where possible, but she wasn't truly attached to it. Amy was far from her family as well. Deciding to leave this rather difficult question alone Amy dodged around it with a far more simple answer. I stay with Anathema when I'm resting from my travels. Taking the bottle Amy took a much deeper sip, more disturbed by the question than she let on.

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