In Need of Direction

WC:: 282 - OOC

New scents surrounded him constantly in this place, his new home, and he was soon coming to grips with the number of members this pack had. His pack, now. However, when he heard actual laughter drift along, echoing off the walls, Kai's ears pricked a little, his head quickly looking in the direction the noise came from. It wasn't long before his eyes found the owner of the laugh, watching the way she held herself. Like she owned the place. Sniffing the air as if to try and get a better idea of who he was dealing wih, Malakai quickly worked out that this was not an Alpha. She sure seemed to carry herself like one, though.

With a dismissive snort as the female approached, Kai still let his feral gaze pass over her pale form as if she were a piece of meat. Spoilt princess complex, perhaps. Thinking too highly of herself while putting others down. Not unlike Kai himself - Spoilt prince complex. His muzzle tensed as he bared his fangs at this female for her comment, alost wishing it had have been a bear to inflict such an injury - having to admit it had been prey was embarrassing. "Tore a stag's throat out. Its antlers caught me as I brought it down." Kai almost muttered his words and expected a laugh in reply. "It is not a usual occurance, I can assure you. That's why I came here, shelter until it healed, maybe some stitches." Kai let his eyes sweep over her form once more, more appreciatively this time, making no attempt to hide the way he looked her over, moving just a little closer to the female.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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