In Need of Direction

WC:: 357 - OOC

Kai was new here. Brand new. Besides his new Alphas, this female was the first he had really come across. He wondered if all Anathema pack members were like her. He smirked a little to himself - if they were, then he would fit right in. He had to remind himself that he was a no-body here, for now at least. He was just another body to bulk the numbers. Until he settled in and made something of himself, that is what he would continue to be. Making alliances would certainly help. After all, if he planned to keep himself isolated, he might as well have remained out in the wilderness on his own.

As the female sauntered past him, Kai let his eyes follow her, his muzzle showing his smirk even as his eyes fell to her behind, watching her over his shoulder somewhat. An alliance with this female might be the first step towards making something of himself here, within this pack. And so, rather than letting her simply head off, Malakai turned and trotted behind her some, careful not to add any extra weight to his injured rear leg. Trailing her, Kai continued to sweep over her, his mind turning a little darker. He had always been a little wilder than his now-dead brother, the one he had killed. Calling out to her, Kai moved with his head bowed a little, a show of submission. He had to remember that she, being already of the pack, was of a higher rank than he was, despite how much he begrudged having to be constantly submissive. "My apologies for my attitude... Sometimes I forget I'm new around here. I'm not used to being so far down the chain of command." Despite his short temper, arrogance and stubborness, Malakai could also be something of a charmer when he wanted to be. And right now, this female could at least be a helpful ally in this place. "My name is Malakai... Would you do me the honour of letting me know whose beautiful form I am trailing?" Cheesy, yes, but his eyes seemed to spark now with mischief.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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