In Need of Direction

WC:: 370 - OOC here!

The first thing Kai picked up on was the soft swaying of her tail. It made the slow, dark smirk that had already appeared upon his muzzle widen just a little more. Moving after her, the black wolf nodded a little as she mentioned having to adjust to life in this new rank, this new pack. Malakai himself should be the Alpha of his own pack, taking over from his parents after they died. In an effort to prove to his Alphas that he had been the most deserving of the Alpha rank instead of his brother, Rafael, he had attacked his favoured brother, killing him. It had been an act of jealousy, of bitterness as well as an effort to prove he was a worthy and strong Alpha. But instead, all it had let to was his banishment, exile from the life he knew, from the life he was destined for.

Continuing to follow, Kai glanced around as they emerged into a cave containing hot springs. The waters looked inviting indeed, but Kai thought the heat might bring further discomfort to his injured leg and so resisted the pull of the water. As this female mentioned her name, Kai bowed his head in a respectful greeting. "Well, Amy, it is a pleasure." Slowly, he lowered himself to a sitting position, wincing just a touch as his wound ached with the movement. "So, how long have you been a member of this pack, Princess? Amy could take his pet name in one of two ways - firstly, it was a sarcastic nod to his own joke about the female, thinking rather too much of herself, and so could be taken as an insult. Not to mention the overfamiliarity it insinuated with a pack member of a higher rank than himself. However, it could also be taken as a compliment from the black male - that he thought of her as regal, elegant and virtuous in her manners. It was her choice how to take it.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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