An Expedition
Word Count :: 000

The female smiled as she saw one of the leaders of the Court come into view - he seemed to know Jazper quite well, judging at their appearances and greetings. She waited until they were finished with their introductions before she dipped her head respectfully to the leader and spoke a hello; "Good day," she said. "I am Skye Collins of Cercatori d'Arte; it is a pleasure to meet you," she said genuinely. She then let the man go follow the Cavalieri member to the caravan, which the traders had opened; she was still proud of that feature of the large wagon her pack beheld.

Smiling at Jazper, she stepped back to watch the interactions of one of her members and a member of the Court, Terra; she had only met the female once, and it was an interesting first impression. Hotaru seemed to be friends with her, and seemed to be relaxing a bit - that was good; Skye had noticed that Hotaru had been uneasy during the trip, and while she attempted to comfort her, she did not want to embarrass Hotaru by being excessive; she was quite grateful to Taliesin for helping his packmate.

Terra seemed a bit overzealous at seeing her friend and hugged her quite zestfully, sending Hotaru back several steps and in return, causing Terra to take a more dominant stance over her. Skye walked closer to them, wondering if she would have to step in; thankfully, Terra backed away, although the mischievous gleam was not gone from her eyes. As she almost sheepishly denied Hotaru's suspicions and asked what she would have to do to get some of Cercatori d'Arte's livestock, Skye stepped forward, standing by Hotaru and giving her a warm smile before turning to Terra.

"Well," she said with the enthused vigor of a merchant, "they're quite valuable - good for food, good for eggs, good for feathers, good for wool, good for clothes, good for labor.. they're good for just about everything, really," she said, bestowing a grin upon her face. "What do you have to trade with? Usually it would take a lot to persuade me to part with some of Cercatori d'Arte's finest and most useful creatures, but I may slightly lower the price for such a good friend of Hotaru," she said with a wink.

Shadows growing in my mind, Ones I just can't leave behind. I'm not strong enough to pay this ransom. One more monster crawled inside, But I swear I saw it die

Image courtesy of Guwashi999

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