An Expedition
Sebastian grinned as the redhead approached, one prominent canine tooth gleaming in the sunlight. He was an experienced tradesman and knew a sale when he saw one. Perhaps he could even sell a painting or two to the lanky male- he looked the type to appreciate the male body. Especially when it was shirtless or naked. Everything about him shrieked it, especially that little smile.

The Italian leaned over the crate, smiling up at the much taller man. Sebastian's bottle-brush tail flicked idly as he spoke- left, right, over his back and right again. Clad only in jeans, Sebastian was sure he made a nice sight for his potential customer.

"I couldn't take as much as I would have liked," he admitted, frowning slightly. "But this is what I could bring to sell. An even two dozen sheets of home-made paper-" Sebastian dipped his nose towards the stack, weighted down with a small dark stone to stop it from blowing away. "-and a few of my own paintings." Sebastian tapped a claw against the barely decent painting depicting a certain Bartholomew Cubbins and gestured to the others.

"Interested?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow at the slender man, a light smirk on his face.

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