In Need of Direction

WC:: 271 - OOC

This female may have been abrasive, but then again, Malakai himself was usually no prince. In fact, quite the opposite. He welcomed other's aggression because it meant he could exercise his own, letting his arrogance and ego swell. But he was cunning, this wolf, and knew that sometimes, dominance and bullishness didn't always get the job done. Sometimes one had to be a little sneakier in getting the will of others to bend in his favour. And so it was with this one. By rights, Kai should have snorted and told her to get lost the moment she laughed at him, but he had seen the potential in her, that she could be used to his advantage. She knew the lay of the land, enough for a start, anyway, and so with a little wheel-greasing, she had done what he had asked for - agreed to show him around.

His fangs were bared as he smirked to himself more than her, and out of 'respect', he lowered his eyes from her as she shifted to her lupus form, Kai quickly doing the same so that she would feel like he was taking her lead a little more than he was. As she emerged, Kai nodded slowly and jerked his head back a little, indicating his injury. "Yes, please, lead the way. Except, if I could ask you not to go full-speed... I'd appreciate it. I wouldn't be able to keep up, with this..." The wound wouldn't impede him that much, but if he let Amy think she had the upper hand in every way, she would be more pliable later on.

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</style>Thanks to Cait for the table, Sig by Me!

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