[M] - My Little Friend


She was right to assume her body would give her an advantage over him. With the buzz of alcohol already starting in the back of his scull her touch was only that much sweeter. His cool blue swooped up the blond appendage and feasted on her muscular body idly while she had her eyes off him. They drifted away innocently when she took her place by his side. She slid in close and he felt his heart jump with a bit of excitement. The Alaskan knew she was teasing him but that didn’t make it any less enjoyable.

Her answer seemed strangely short and left the impression on him that she didn’t have any real place to call home.I see, But he couldn’t see how much it truly troubled her and just assumed she had no home because that is how the woman wanted to lead her life. He watched with a bit of entertainment as Amy indulged herself in a heavy draw. That wasn’t the type of drinking that was only a moment to linger. It made him grin before he purposefully reached close and across her body to retrieve the bottle. He gave her a devious look before retreating back to his seat with the wine. And how is that for a home? I have only met the most interesting people from Anthema… not all of them the type to call family.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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