she's nothing more than a snake devil
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“Sprouted legs and ran away,” he murmured about her fiddle, imagining all of the different ways she could have possibly lost it. Theft, fire, or maybe it simply fell apart. He was lucky to have been able to salvage his own instrument a couple of times, but it had definitely seen its days before he had gotten it. “I put a strap on mine to stop it from doing that and it's tried to a few times.” Especially when it hadn't been like a third leg to him. Laurel didn't like to leave it behind very often, though he had learned to part with it long enough to find other things unrelated to it.

However, it was her mention of a certain cellist that made Laurel's expression change. The thought that Poe may have meet Nikita amused him, given the dramatic differences in their personality. He always liked to think that Nikita was a lot tougher than she seemed, but he had never seem her any other way. Not even the first moment he had set his eyes on her… even alcohol didn't bring out much of a difference in her personality; she was always so guarded. “A coyote cellist, by any chance? You might have met my partner in crime.” But if it was one thing he could say about the real muscle of Esper Hollow, she was a damn good cellist.


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