the stars sing to me.


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Zalen saw the coyote femme’s demeanor change immediately, and he instantly knew something was wrong, even before she spoke. But her words were dire, and the Alpha’s face darkened under the weight of them. Inferni was under attack it seemed, but wolves calling themselves the Boreas, and from what Emmanuelle was saying, their purpose was nothing less then eradication of all coyotes Zalen. Heart sank into his stomach like a rock and his blood ran cold. In his youth, he would not have had any quarrel with the genocide of the coyotes, but now he was deeply disturbed by it. Coyotes, dogs, and wolves, they all had their places within nature, and if one was removed the others would surely feel the consequences. Zalen could not imagine the hate driving the Boreas to attack Inferni, but it must be a strong hate, and that worried the black male deeply.

Zalen let out a labored and gruff sigh after she was finished speaking. He noted the tremble in her voice, no matter how subtle, when she spoke her last words. It seemed the young girl had killed in defense of her clan, and that was admirable, but it had shaken her. "This troubles me. Tell Vesper that I know of Inferni’s strife and send my sympathies." He stopped short of lending aid, for he felt it was not appropriate or necessary. Inferni was strong, much larger than New Dawn, and most likely better equip for battle then they; there was not much Zalen could do to help.

The sable Alpha was about to let the two be when a fourth joined them, this being the visage of the young female and newest Dawner, Palaydrian. Zalen immediately noticed her fatigued visage and injured wrist; her limp was obvious. He immediately moved towards her, as did Jiva, and the Alpha’s eyes flicked over to the lad. His concern was tangible, and somewhat unexpected, and Zalen had to suppress a smirk.

His olive eyes traveled to the slightly swollen joint, and knew immediately that it was not a serious injury, just a slight sprain if anything, still he looked up at the sweet girl, "Palaydrian, do you need aid?" he said in a soft voice. The girl was quite stunning to Zalen, and he felt fond of her already, but in a fatherly way rather than a romantic one, though he could not deny her attraction in that regard as well. His question though seemed to fall on deaf ears momentarily, and the ebony leader noted the look in her eyes as she looked between Jiva and the coyote. This caused Zalen to also look between the three younger canines. Oh goodness, what a tangled web was being weaved.


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