Stranger days
She acted so innocent when Asmodai asked so suddenly about the joke she'd made at his expense. She turned back to the male with a slight smile as he began to try and find an explantion, she chuckled softly as she shook her head. "Don't think so hard on that one Asmodai.." she said simply as she smiled, her eyes trailing across the meadow once more, watching the grasses swaying in the breeze as she listened to her packmate. They wouldn't mind another packmember, but she wondered if this cousin of Asmodai might convince the large wolf to part ways with their laidback happy family. She hoped not, but she wouldn't voice her concerns aloud. She'd be patient and wait and see where the world took them all.

She was silent a moment as she thought about the words that he'd said, the serious tone that she'd so jokingly step around, trying to keep her mind off the fact that one of their own was going to be absent for a while. Finally she sighed softly and turned back to the male. "I trust you, just return when you're ready." she said quietly, not really knowing when she'd see the other next, but knowing that it wouldn't seem like forever, atleast, not as long as she'd been waiting on others in her life.

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