Strange Face in Strange Lands
Iskata was slightly amused that after so long of not seeming one of these once upon a time domesticaed canines there was one right here in these lands. She smiled at the idea, the last time she'd ran into these distant yet so close relatives to her own bloodlines had been along the warfs in the port town. When the male had returned her greetings she smile and nodded, glad that the stranger hadn't been upset or run off like she'd almost expected him to in these rural backwards lands where there wasn't a million souls cramped into the seaside port towns like the southern lands held.

If he could see below her silver and gold hues he'd know she was blushing at the words he'd spoken, but instead of letting him know how his words distracted her she grinned and admitted. "Well, they don't make them like you around here.. you could say that." The comment was part flirt and part truth. There really weren't many like him, of course, all of them could really be mixed bloods and just didn't know that. It was obvious that they shared some type of common bond, they were both canines after all, but she didn't really sweat it, she didn't care how they were alike and how they were different. It had just been a surprise to see such a strange and different face in these lands.

The strangers ways just grew a little stranger and weirder as he began to beat his tail in the mud. She chuckled, not able to help herself, he just looked so silly there splattering himself with mud when just a simple little wag could have done it. "Well Leland, you've got that right, then again I'm not sure how this small part of the world would really take a sight like you."[b/] She really didn't know, but she'd like to find out. She thought it could be interesting to see how her own family and packmates took to seeing such a unique character, but she wasn't about to bring him into their mists just for an experiment. The silver and gold lady might have some passing strange ideas but she wasn't cruel, and she really had no clue what in the world her family would do or say with the newcomer in their lands.

Turning a little circle as she stretched her legs she smiled and asked. [b]"Well, what brings you here, and from where in the first place?"
she arched her back then dipped down, her long scarred forelegs stretched as far as possible as her sky toned eyes watched and waited on the stranger now aquaintence before her.

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