An Expedition


Word Count → 392

Even Hotaru had to admit that her friendship with the coywolf was an odd, but close one. They had bonded over stranger circumstances and had an interesting dynamic between them. Despite the fact that Hotaru couldn't see Terra's actions, she could sometimes guess as to what the coy female might be doing. Even so, the blind female valued her relationship with Terra and enjoyed the other female's company. They were an odd pair, but appearances mattered little to her. She found it was simply easier that way.

Terra promptly denied any thoughts of mischief and Hotaru made a face to show that she wasn't buying it. Hotaru knew Terra had a chaotic streak and would occasionally try to talk her into some misadventure. The grey wolf was about to answer her friends question when the Capitana approached and answered in Hotaru's stead. The Tessitore di Sogno nodded her head in acknolegment and listened to her alpha's explanation. Unfortunately, Hotaru was sure it went right over the simple coywolf's head. Terra's voice came out with a slightly desperate tone, proving Hotaru's suspicions. She gave Terra an approving nod and an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the bird is still here when you get back."

Turning to her leader, she bowed a little. "Thank you for your generosity Skye, and I humbly ask for your patience with my friend. She is... a little new to trading and may not understand the value of certain items." The grey female was a little reluctant to mention Terra's quirks. She was certain that the female was mostly harmless, although Terra had an uncanny ability to attract disaster. On the other side of the camp, another transaction was taking place and Hotaru did her best to ignore the proceedings.

It didn't take long for Terra to return and no one else had shown up to try and claim the bird. Hotaru's ears flicked forward in surprise as a crash rang out. The clatter of metal hitting metal was surprising and Hotaru carefully found the pile of items on the ground with her staff. She bent down to examine what her friend had brought with curiosity and a trader's mind. Her hands touched the soft fabric as well as the cold, hard surface f metal. Without turning her head she called out to Skye. "What do you think Capitana?"

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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