Lazy Day

WC:: 402 pgp: +4

This seriously wasn't his preferred weather. Stormy, cold.....Urrggghhh. Definitely not fun. At least waves tended to get really big when it was stormy...But it was also really dangerous. Alistair had heard that it was possible to be electrocuted...Which would totally suck. Alistair let out an over-dramatized sigh as he took long strides through the brush, springy beneath his feet. What was he even doing here? This certainly wasn't the beach, or even something remotely similar to a beach. It was..Woods. Such terrible things. No freedom, always things in the way. Hell, while he was walking through here, he had almost ran into trees at least three times now! However, a more open space soon appeared before his eyes and he couldn't help but run towards it in pure relief. The forest definitely wasn't his natural habitat; far to closed in with no space to move. As he glanced around, a crooked smile came onto his face. Not only was it an open space, but a lake! Large water sources always made Ali feel at home, even if they didn't have the sound of crashing waves and seagulls.

"Thank the lord." However, that smile soon disappeared. His voice came out in a grumble, eyes narrowed with clear annoyance as he picked twigs from his hair. It was spiked up as usual, with a slight sheen due to the concoction of honey that kept it skywards. This place, Nova Scotty (Or whatever it was called), wasn't turning out how he wanted it to be. Too cold, too woodsy, not enough creatures, etc. It all was rather irritating. Perhaps it was time he moved on? However, as a female came into sight...He was definitely wasn't thinking of leaving anymore. YEEESSSSS. Finally. Someone to converse, and maybe a bit of flirting, with.

As Ali began his walk towards the fine lady, he glanced upwards, towards the stormy skies. The pleasant and friendly sun was blocked out by vicious gray clouds; a downpour was evident. Dolaidh would get extremely angry at him if he left her out in the rain, and nobody likes an angry horse. But as he took another look at the female, he realized that Dolaidh could wait awhile.

"Hiya." His voice was soft and simple as he stopped before the boulder, glancing upwards at the female. Hot damn. She certainly was a catch. Locks of fine auburn and luscious fur of russet. However, just telling by her long, sexy legs, she was definitely taller than him. That would certainly make things awkward, but...Eh. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I, babelini? I don't wish to intrude." A boyish grin appeared on his face, multicultural eyes holding a light luster as crossed his arms."May I come up, bunny?"

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