shadows and dust

"I probably shouldn't discuss it--I'm not sure if she wants anyone to know." It wasn't like it was a bad thing...Naniko just wasn't sure if it was okay with Cercelee that she talk about it with anyone else. She didn't want to step on her toes or make her feel like she couldn't come back here for help. "But I will tell you that it involved Ember and Hybrid. At least...that's what Ember told me."

She nodded in agreement when she spoke of Cercelee. "'ll be a long recovery" Naniko looked toward the mansion. She had more supplies there, but she did have some with her, too, in her backpack. She began looking through them. "Here is a pill that will help with the pain, and then we'll clean it and wrap it up" She liked telling them what she was going to do before she did it; it seemed to help when they knew what was going on, too.


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