Join me in death

What's wrong with being a pirate? he wondered, finally setting the ladle back in the pot and taking the second bowl for himself. He'd only ever met one self-described pirate, but he hadn't been himself at the time and preferred not to think about it. Just like he didn't think about the fact that Tsunami had also chosen to go with an eyepatch; the grey wolf's injury had been considerably more gruesome than Ahren's though. After all, his had actually been violently torn apart whereas the blonde's vision had slowly faded as the cataract grew. The end result was the same though, just as the beginning reason had been.

Well, if he wanted to, then he'd do it for himself, right? No harm in introducing the idea to him. With diminished depth perception and a reliance on the bow and arrow, Laruku would feel better if his friend had a pack to support him. The hybrid himself could still manage well enough on his own and had plenty of other reasons for having declined the invitation to join a pack both Conri and Iskata had offered to him. He hoped the conversation didn't lead to Jasper asking the same.


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