Tides that I tried to swim against

She didn't like staying inside the house a whole lot, where everything had happened, but this was the only place that she felt really safe. The bedroom was the worst of all of the places, and she hadn't gone back there since the event. She was afraid that it might be too much. Naniko knew that crying about it wasn't going to change anything, and that trying to hurt herself wasn't an option...it would just make her feel weaker both emotionally and physically, from blood loss. And she wasn't really that kind of wolf...she hadn't even considered harming herself.

"It's not your fault. I'm older--I'm supposed to be the responsible one...the leader. All I can do is promise that I won't do anything like that again. I don't want to hurt anyone again, especially not you two. You're my best friend." She paused for a moment, uncurling and stretching her front legs out in front of her. It did make her feel better to stretch a bit. "I sort of felt like there was a little...uhh...tension for a while. Between me and you. And between me and Lucifer."


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