M - her disappearing theme

Silvery fingers left warm, buzzing trails through dark fur onto waiting skin. Her body woke up when she was around Luz, with her sweet words on a sweeter tongue, her low laugh and half-lidded, mythical-magical eyes. A small smile crept across Poe’s lips in reply to the chuckle, and the no-resistance reply. Because there was no reason in fighting Poe’s tipsy, fanciful ramblings, when it only spurred her on into greater theatrics.

“You didn’t answer my real question,” she informed the astronomer matter-of-factly, then found herself entirely distracted from this fact with trickle across her thigh. It pushed the corners of her lips into a more pronounced smile. One of her free hands found the inner crook of that lean arm, and followed it down to hand on thigh, pinning it only to thread her fingers overtop and linked. “It’s strange,” she admitted, with or without a clarified response from Luz. “I love this place. The city, I mean. But it’s lost some of its mystery after seeing the cities overseas. After getting to know the streets inside-out.” She paused there to consider just what she was getting at. “And it’s lonely,” she admitted, quieter and a little discomforted. Quickly, as if making sure that she was truly there, Poe looked at Luz.


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