minds made up

WC: 390

It seemed the man knew Niro’s name, well remembered it more like. He smiled sheepishly at Saul. Niro was usually pretty good with names, especially of those who had interest in birds like he did, and it seemed Saul did have an interest in them. It seemed his memory was already starting to fail him, and this agitated him on the inside, though he didn’t show it outside at all.

“Ah yes, I have been very good indeed. I’ve been about recently, just came back from a bit of a journey with my mate and we had a bit of a surprise as we were headed home.”

He said he thenlooked down at Tasha, who Saul had turned to as well. The little girl looked at the man shyly and then up at her father expectantly, who chuckled and provided the answer to his question for her. She was a shy creature, at least for now and she didn’t really trust grown ups. Niro was ok with that for he knew there weren’t always that many good grown ups around.

“This is Tasha, she is my daughter, one of the newest additions to my family.... I’m afraid your name has escaped me though.”

He said, finding the opportunity to ask the man’s name and hopefully not offend the poor man who seemed like quite a nice guy. He looked over at Saul’s perched raptor and smiled. Trying to remember the type of bird it was exactly, but being as it was not a native around here he didn’t really know. He was far more familiar with the ones that nested and migrated here and cared little of any other places as he knew he wouldn’t be visiting anywhere far again.

“And for that matter, this fine beast over here. He looks quite handsome. Do not worry Marahute will not do anything unless I tell her to. She is just a jealous of anything that comes near me that is of bird kind.”

He could tell that the other bird was nervous, and didn’t blame him, nor Saul. Marahute was quite a big bird. After all she was a golden eagle, and they were one of the biggest birds in the world, well bird of prey at least.

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Table by Meghann!


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