i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky

Everyone walks a line of misfortune if you focus on the right things, Laruku said. Isolate the good from the bad and concentrate on one or the other; it was why any foretelling of a lifelong thing, whether positive or negative, could be found true. There were endless indicators and depending on the level of belief, even the smallest things could count for something. Still, as far-fetched as most curses were, the hybrid could understand the appeal very well, especially if the alternative was simply chaos. Fate and luck were as cruel as any curse, except that they did not so much victimize those they affected -- they laughed instead.

People liked order and predictability; if a curse could give them that, even if it was by dictating war and death and famine, then so be it. Oftentimes, that was better than believing in nothing. Laruku had been a nihilist before. People like knowing that not everything is their fault. Can't really blame them. Of course, sometimes it really was their fault.


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