A home that will hopefully Stay.

Ooc: Sorry again for the wait, lots of stuff going on lately. WC: 469

Augustus had little to say when she talked of her mate. He simply nodded. Women still vexed him, even his own. The call of heat was a terribly powerful thing, so it was obvious what drew a man to find a woman, but for a female he knew little and less. What did they see in the opposite sex. What did Ciara see in him? It couldn’t have been his social skills. As demonstrated time and again, and for inumerous reasons Augustus was nearly friendless. It didn’t really bother him all that much. He was a simple man, if a bit feral. He was easy enough to please, as long as his traditional beliefs were regarded and respected by his pack mates. He was still a little iffy on dogs, and even more distrustful of coyotes, but the half-breed was polite enough. He felt no offense or displeasure at her presence. She was obedient to say the very least, and loyal enough to her mate to not cause unwanted tension.

The male slipped silently away from the female, as their prey eyed her suspiciously. He knew he had to be quick and quiet to escape it’s notice. Rabbit’s were fidgety things, capable of bolting hopelessly away without even a moment’s notice. He trotted further out into the green, and a little ahead, finally crouching behind a bit of foliage. He would cut it off at a diagonal, and seal its fate. Having a partner was not such a bad thing after all, it at least diverted his attention. With the distance he grew less irritable, and focused on their target, ever watchful of the subtle body signals of the hybrid girl. He was prepared a split second before the female gave chase, and the male tensed his body in reaction, watching, waiting.

The pursuit was over in an instant. As soon as the rabbit appeared before him the male was ready with fang and claw he pounced upon the creature with all his weight while his teeth darted for its throat. Once he had purchase he squeezed until he felt the gush of first blood upon his tongue. The scent of blood and gore washed away everything else, and with his muzzle stained red up to his cheeks he let the thing loose from his jaws and reached down to tear a chunk of its flesh. He did not thank the woman, did not motion for her to feed. As he was Epsilon it was his right and he began eating without hesitation, finding solace in the tearing of flesh. He ate little, and nudged the rest to her. It was as much thanks as he was going to give with the heat-scent terrorizing him so moments before. It was best to tread the water, not sink further in.

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