The Life of Traders
Trading, trading, trading. It hadn't been as much fun as he had thought, but hey- at least he could do some travelling. It had been more fun from his little shop back in Sabini, where he could stay in one place comfortably. It wasn't that he didn't like moving around- he just hated being cold so much, and he never got the chance to take a bath. That was the great bane of travelling.

Sebastian helped to set up the wares and all the rest, arranging his own paintings and paper neatly as he tugged on his pink-red shirt. He was already clad in his jeans, so no worries there.

Ah, and already he had a customer. "Herbs, you say?" Sebastian had no interest in tobacco, but he knew plenty of people who did. The duck feathers were certainly very pretty, and could make a good trade. Sebastian grinned cheekily up at the taller male. "What sort of herbs?" There was, after all, quite a variety. He knew absolutely nothing about herbs himself, but he didn't have to let this handsome stranger know that.

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