echoes off of dusty walls.
She snarled as they clashed and yet she knew she was getting nowhere. All she wanted now was to escape to her own home and be done with this all. She was furious at herself for being so stupid and letting her temper get the best of her but that was her problem now, just like he was. She had to fight her way out of this and take the first moment she had to crawl away if the beast would even give her that chance.

When her fangs had connected with his flesh it seemed to last only a few moments before he retaliated, but the sudden burst of attacks came and went, the scores from his claws on her shoulder and across her ribs were burning but she tried her best to ignore them. The scent of the male and the warmth of his body that had been so close suddenly seemed to disappear as he pulled himself away from her.

In the few seconds she gathered herself and turned her eyes to the male, a burning hate for his clan was forming inside her and yet he never advanced to attack. She bared her fangs at him and almost instant was ready to dive back into the fight but that small voice of truth told her this was her chance. With one fury filled glare at the male she bared her bloody fangs again and in a flash she turned to flee.

Hating herself for taking the easy way out she could hear nothing but the pounding of her paws on the forest floor as she pushed herself hard, the pain of her injuries returning with every paw that touched the earth, the sharp clarity of it all bringing back the mistakes she'd made, yet she still had her own skin on her, battered and shredded maybe, but she was still alive.

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