Shoulda had another plan
<style> @import url(;</style>Skye Collins
Word Count :: 000

She smiled at her brother as he asked how things were in her pack. "Good, Alex - I see you're happy here," she said amiably, noting how Alex seemed quite happy in his new home. She did not mind that he came to be in a different pack than her - he seemed happy enough where he was, seeming to have good relations with one of the leaders of the pack. His jovial personality hadn't changed a bit, she noted with a smile to her brother before turning back to the leader.

He had asked her pleasantly enough what had happened, and her face formed a frown. "The member is Liam," she said, saying the name as if an unpleasant taste had run over her tongue. Unsure of how much of Liam's backstory was privy to this man, she decided to start from the beginning. "He was exiled from Cercatori d'Arte after murdering one of the pups; he was given clear warnings to never go near our pack or our members again." Steely eyes concentrated on Alaki as she continued. "Several days ago, however, he met one of our members and severely wounded him, almost killing him," she hissed. "What you do with him is none of my concern - I do not care if you punish him or not, although it may beat out some of his stupidity. No, I am here simply to inform you that if he comes near my pack or its members one more time, I will hunt him down and kill him without hesitation, and will do the same to any of your members who decides to cause harm to my pack," she said coldly. Her words were fiery but her tone was cold and icy - she was not warning or threatening, simply informing of the inevitable consequences should she even see Liam again. She wanted them to know that it was not a mark against their pack - although why they would accept a known murderer she did not know - but that it was simply justice that she would pay out, no questions asked.

Your the only one who saves me from myself, I abandoned this love and laid it to rest, And now I'm one of the forgotten

Image courtesy of auensen

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