
Cercelee? His tattered ears perked at the name, then flattened somewhat. Is she all right? Laruku had failed Adrastos long ago; he had failed to keep his cousin's daughter in the pack, thus failing to effectively take care of her. Certainly it was in her blood to wander and he had secretly been relieved to see her again when she had returned just before the fire, but it had been a failure on his part all the same, just like all of the other children that had come before her. He avoided saying anything more about the war itself. He didn't know who was in the right or wrong, didn't know the details of their conflict, and still could not bring himself to go find out even when he knew he had family (however distant) and old packmates involved. It was easy to say he was just a coward in the end.

I don't think they'd be any stories you'd want to hear about, he told her, shrugging passively. The hybrid had his share of old wounds from Inferni, from before his own war and after. Segodi had left long marks on both of his thighs; Karloff has torn open his shoulder; Voltaire had cut up one of his forearms. The nameless coyote on the beach had given him the two gashes across his chest and the holes in his left ear just before he'd killed him. Gabriel had ripped open his face and his stomach, but he didn't remember that fight, only knew the outcome. The rest had come from wolves he couldn't remember the names of anymore... and himself, and Tsunami. Those were the scars he remembered the easiest; they were the ones he deserved the most.

Yeah, he continued, I was born in Clouded Tears, like your mother.


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