Home is Where the Heart Lives

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Jaden had told Thana where he would be since he was going to help his friend out and Thana really wanted to see him again. She made her way to where he would be and picked up his scent, quickly following it until she saw him near a lake, looking just as handsome as ever. She slid off her stallions back and gave his neck a pat, allowing him to wander off. Walking closer to him, thoughts of their night together flashed through her mind. It had been the first time she was with a man she actually cared for. It was also the first time she fell asleep in a man’s arms. To Thana, it was the single most amazing night of her life.

The dark man certainly brought out a rather large change in Thana. Before Jaden, Thana would have used, tortured, or killed anyone she or Amy wished. She had even obtained a young slave girl, by the name of Anna, from the golden woman. Anna was never treated as a slave though, at least not once she was turned over to Thana, and was more like a daughter than anything else. The girl was seven months and usually stayed close to Thana, not able to trust others easily. She was very much attached to Thana though, never seeming to want to leave her side. In Thana’s eyes, Anna was her daughter and she was spoiled rotten. Thana had traded off her weapons to obtain gifts for the young girl. The only weapons Thana kept were the twin daggers and she gave one of them to Anna who wore it at her hip. Anna wore a cute little white dress with the heart shaped pendant Thana made around her neck. She seemed frightened by Jaden. It could have been his size though, seeing as Anna was only 5ft. Thana reached behind her to ruffle her sandy-blonde hair to reassure her that it was alright.

With a smile on her face, Thana wrapped her arms around Jaden, giving his cheek a quick kiss before taking a step back, well aware that she was still in heat. It’s good to see you again Jaden. She waved Anna over, and the girl hesitantly stepped closer. Jaden, this is Anna. Anna, Jaden. I promise he isn’t going to hurt you love, it’s alright. Anna looked up at the very tall man with her big green eyes, calming down a little at Thana’s words. It..it’s nice to meet you sir.

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