i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t2.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

“That's true,” he said with a bob of his head. He liked the way that Laruku thought, partly because there was a comfort in knowing that someone feel the same way about some of the things that he had often not talked about. At least, it wasn't every day that he stood around talking about curses anyway. People did like knowing that not everything was their fault, it was always easier when it wasn't their fault. Blame it on the weather, on the circumstances, blame it on everyone but themselves. If they didn't think about it, they didn't consider the what ifs or just how they may or may not have attributed to everything.

No one wanted to believe they were living in a chaotic world, not matter the circumstances. The world was a big place and there were many places where things were just quiet and tame; surely for every one of those, there was one that mimicked Hell on earth. “Maybe being unable to fault ourselves is a curse too,” he mused. “Maybe it's what makes blaming something or someone else so appealing or logical, since we think about how it can't be our fault, because this happened! Or this! We've probably over-complicated everything.” Or maybe not, maybe it was really just that simple.


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