i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky

There was the other extreme, too. Faulting yourself too much. As he did not believe in the curse himself, that was the alternative Laruku had been left with, and it was just as easy to take all the blame as it was to avoid it. Ideally, a person would be able to tell from an objective standpoint just who's fault it really was, but life had never been supposed to be free of bias. They were all, after all, subjective creatures all with their own perspectives. Whatever they believed at the end of the day was still a belief that only they could verify for themselves. Life provided no answers and came with no manual.

Calling it a curse is just reaffirming it, the hybrid said with a weary grin, It can be a curse to blame everything on yourself too, or even a curse to be able to tell who's fault it really is. He laughed. Somehow, he always seemed to end up talking about these sorts of things in dusty, old bookstores or creaking old stages. Maybe that was a curse too.


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