hold on just a little while longer


Word Count → 378

Hotaru found herself growing closer and closer to the poet. Ever since she had helped him with the shattered skulls, their relationship had developed from simple pack mates to friends. He had helped her so much on their trading expedition and she had grown fond of his son. Hotaru was glad that she could become friends with another pack mate and she felt completely integrated into Cercatori d'Arte. The blind female had felt like an outsider in the pack for the longest time, so the change in her views was refreshing.

Dalgina's scent wafted through the village and soon her voice joined in with the older wolves. She was close to Hotaru and the older female enjoyed having the young wolf by her side. She had a soft spot for puppies and Dalgina had really grown attached to her. Her young voice had matured enough to allow her to sing beautifully and really add to the performance. When it was over, she let out her classic bark

Taliesin's explanation of his song was intriguing and Hotaru listened closely to the description. The conversation quickly turned to the origin of the bard's own name. Hotaru nodded, her ears faced forward and a tiny smile shone on her face. "You were named appropriately then. I would be honored if you sang to me again." The blind female liked music. It had a certain effect on her and she didn't even mind if the words were in another language. The tone and feeling of music allowed her to picture beautiful images and relive the bright world that she once belonged to.

A soft thump against the ground alerted the grey female to Taliesin's approach and his light voice offered her some assistance. Hotaru chuckled at his joking tone, and she was about to decline his offer when Myrddin rubbed against her. The grey wolf bent down to pat Myrddin on the head and she listened to his words. Dalgina was quick to agree with him. "Well, even if no one else shows up we can still enjoy ourselves and dance to our hearts content." Her focus turned back to Taliesin as she stood. "A plate of anything would be wonderful. In return, I'm sure I can keep these little one's entertained."

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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