Dont go blind

Marie's Tracker

Character Name → Word of the Day
  1. Word of the Day

    Status: 15 POINTS

    You can write stuff describing what you want and what you want to do here.

    1. 09/11/10

      moue\MOO\ noun; 1.A pouting grimace word of the

      1. Thread Used: Amaranth had a moue on her hace as she looked at him.

    2. 11/11/10

      whilom former; in the past; erstwhile

      1. Thread Used: Besides all this was Whilom and shouldn't matter now.
    3. 10/11/10


      1. Thread Used: Digging to the bottom of the trunk she pulled out a bottle which from the Ullage you could tell that it had been used.
    4. 5/6/11


      1. Thread Used:I must premonish you though it may be cold.
    5. 5/9/11


      1. Thread Used: Aeron had noticed that Hybrid was a splenetic coyote.

    6. 5/11/11


      1. Thread Used:
        Aeron just had to keep an irenic Mind set, after all not all wolves could be bad.

      2. Thread Used:
        He seemed to have and Irenic spirit about him, but she just couldn't let her guard down.

      3. Thread Used:
        Amaranth had for once come to see someone and for once she was irenic.

      4. Thread Used:
        Ayita was a calm woman, Ayita was a woman of irenic tenancies.

      5. Thread Used:
        The two woman were a lot a like they were Irenic.

      6. Thread Used:
        Today was such a good day, Amaranth was irenic and nothing could change that.

      7. Thread Used:
        If the girl was ever irenic it was not now. She had to be vicious and not think in peaceful terms.

      8. Thread Used:
        Aeron had not known what had snapped in her but she needed to chill for a minute. She had not been very irenic.

    7. 5/13/11


      1. Thread Used: afterall she was nothing more then an Autodidact Midwife and books were needed.
    8. 8/07/11


      1. Thread Used: She was content to day full of Moxie and the need to do something.

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