if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
She shrugged lightly, staring intently at her feet as she twitched them without much thought. She was wondering about what he said — about someday leaving him, perhaps. The thought might not have been so alien… a year ago, but it seemed hard now. Nikita was largely a person who lived for the day — she rarely thought into tomorrow, much less months or even years in the future. Maybe that was a problem, but she didn’t see it as so. Not yet, at least. When the day finally came that diverging her path from his tickled her fancy, she’d probably see it through. As of now, however, she was quite content.

Nikita grinned lightly, nudging him roughly in the shoulder with a free elbow. “You’re a better leader than I am, though,” she laughed. She knew the true meaning of her words; her one adventure off on her own, with her paws leading her where she decided, had ended in the worst months of her life. That was probably part of her fear of heading off on her own now; she might find her way back into that personal hell. “The wandering wasn’t ever bad, though. Good times, good friends. It’ll take time to adjust to stationary life, sure, but I think it’ll end up working out much the same as life on the road. Hopefully a little more solid.” Her olive eyes rested on the bottle she held loosely between her hands. She stared at it for a moment before sighing softly and draining it in a gulp that was rather disproportional to her small size. Oh, well. She blinked groggily and roughly placed the bottle down on the dusty floorboards.

“Maybe we should head of t’meet with the others,” she said, woozily hauling herself to her feet. She dusted herself off subconsciously. “It’d probably be best before we both pass out and they come looking for us.” Her angular face lit up with a lop-sided grin.

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