When you return, go to the sea
Aylu followed the lithe figure of a female into one of the houses, happy to get out of the storm. He made sure the door was shut tight before following her to the living room. She had plopped down on a dust covered couch while he took off his cloak to dry it off. He soon did as she said and sat down on the floor by her feet. "Hello Rio. I am Aylu of Cercatori d'Arte. What brings you to Halifax?" he asked softly. He noticed she was still wet and like for Terra took off his robes. He was getting to the point where he was starting not to wear them anymore. He draped them over her dark form and smiled. "Don't want you to get sick because you got wet. What were you doing out there anyways?" he asked.

He was curious about this woman. Why was she out there? Where was she from and why was she in Halifax? These were the questions he was curious about. She wasn't like any other female he had met. Maybe she would be different then Terra. Then again he didn't want to rush anything and scare her away.

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