through the looking glass.
“Yep, that’s him,” she responded, nodding. She had thought it somewhat amusing at first, two coyotes who were practically brand new to this place had just waltzed in, collected a handful of wolf buddies, and created a pack. From what she knew, theirs was the only pack in the area that didn’t discriminate what kind of canine you were… at least, they didn’t to any point. Anselm here was part of Inferni — the definitely coyote clan, as she had learned blisteringly from the words of the wolf trespasser before — though he seemed more wolf than coyote. Oh, well; go figure.

She listened carefully to him, trying to largely restrict her emotions before he was done. Once he had stopped talking, she didn’t know where she stood as for emotions. They were kind of mixed up. It made sense, nonetheless, that he got the blunt end of the stick when it came to his being wolf in Inferni. And yet he seemed to get along, if she could tell authority in others at all. She understood his perspective, however; it was just as strange for her. She hadn’t ever really been a leader in a group, though most of them had been mixed-species. “I have to admit, it was strange for me at first.” The time from living with her family to living in the city — prior to meeting and traveling with Laurel — had largely been lived with only coyotes. “It… doesn’t seem like much of a big deal anymore. If the wolves that joined up with us don’t have a problem, there is no problem.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Unfortunately, not too many others around here share our thoughts.”

A frown crossed her features for a moment as she remembered her quick skirmish with the loner that had wandered through days ago, refusing to leave and beleaguering Nikita for her coyote blood. None of that coyote blood had been spilled, though Niki had drawn some of the wolf’s. Her shoulder would be sore for a while, though it left a foul taste in Nikita’s mouth. She hadn’t held her temper like she should have… That was definitely something to think about more in the future.

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