An Expedition
Tal had long ago straightened, listening to the various bantering going on. One eye was on Myrddin as he listened, a slight smile on his lips, his hands in his pockets. Terra's words brought him back full force to the dealing in front of him. For a moment, his expression must have mirrored the placid expression of the white fuzz ball; Myrddin burst out in a loud laugh. "Poppa she called you a sheep!"

Tal's lips turned up into an amused smile, his eyes glittering with laughter. "There's an old human phrase like that. Something about a wolf in sheep's clothing." Myrddin, however, didn't understand what his father was referring to. "But Poppa, you don't wear wool. You said you don't like how wool feels."

Tal chuckled, patting his son's head again. He straightened, sending the women a crooked grin. "Naw, Terra, only one person I'm a good follower for, and she's next to you." He lifted a hand, indicating the capitana with a laugh.

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