[M] - My Little Friend


He drank again and took a generous swig this time. If Amy was going to be drinking so harshly, it was only fair he do the same. There was enough in him now. The alcohol was potent and would have him dizzy and suggestible in no time. And, for some reason, he didn’t mind. Amy was expressing all the right signs of relaxation that he felt she didn’t have a malicious intent for their meeting. Or at least not one she intended to enact while they were sober.

A blond body pressed into his and he welcomed it with an open arm that wrapped itself around her side and relaxed on her belly. In it rested the bottle for her to take from if she wished to again. He then listened to her account of family. It got him thinking about who he had for family. His old family had betrayed him. He had betrayed Ichika’s peaceful laws. Only X’yrin fit the profile, her and the innocent pups they guarded together. It made him smile. You’re right. But family shouldn’t be always be cruel and insulting. They should really never be. If you can’t trust kind words from family, then where would you find them?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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