M - her disappearing theme

Luz always sounded like she was speaking poetry. Even if they were the simplest, most mundane words, there was a quality to her voice that came through with grace and intent. She was consumed by words, by thoughts, even as her body pleaded the focus. A firm, warm body and wise fingers with a delicate touch were the only things keeping her from disconnecting with the worldly, grounded things that she knew and relied on, as bird-wing flusters tried pulling her up and away. Her body arched closer to Luz’s, and her plush flesh melded into the androgynous contours, one arm wrapping as far around the slimmest point as she could, securing herself to the beautiful reality that was offered to her there as the words were processed before an answer could be produced.

“I…” she began, then drifted and rethought. How many times could she recall someone asking her, so gentle and outright, what was on her mind? What was the right way to translate such things, when she could barely catch the gist of it herself. “I just want you,” she finally settled upon, examining the mystic eyes before her for some read of understanding, or lack thereof. It was a cryptic phrase that she quickly tried to decipher, for both of their sakes. “Not just right now. Not necessarily for forever, either. But I want all of this. I want to at least know what those other evils feel like.” She got the sense then, that she was creating her down leak. She was provoking the depths and the rocks, and she remembered in a flash, slipping in the flooded Yawrah River. It had dragged her through broken branches and across its stoney bottom before crashing her into a rock. She had woken up alone then, she now it seemed like that had been her first love lost. Or broken, more accurately. Foolishness did that though, but she didn’t turn back from it just now. “Everything about you,” she said under a low breath that trailed off after her words did. They had no ending, because there was too much to be said in its conclusion.


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