Box After Box and You're Still By My Side
He had been sitting on the bed, reading a very erotic book. Humans seemed to have some very clear ideas on how to please each other. Their appearance was a little strange to read about at some points, but otherwise very good. He looked over at Alaki's dark form. Alex did not want to tease him at the moment. Whatever it was about the mateship ceremony it put him in a very bad mood. Flipping back to the book Alex resigned himself to not going. Well, it wasn't like it mattered much. Just a pair of wolves falling into the 'do not touch' zone. He could pay his respects later.

Surprise registered for a moment as he was indicated to follow Alaki. He remained relatively close to the big guy, knowing how moody he was and hoping that nothing would go and set him off. He glanced over the small gathering, recognizing Mido and the pair that was preparing to come out. A leader? Well, that was just peachy. He smiled over at them, waving cheerily. It was the best he could do to work on making up for Alaki's more than sour mood. He was always dark, but this was even worse than usual! He looked down to the book in his hand, and decided that would be the wedding gift. Perhaps it would give them a couple ideas. If not, well, maybe one of them would like a tattoo.

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