Stranger days
OOC: Good place to stop? It seems like the conversation is over, and he has her leave to...well, leave and see Soro =P

I trust you... the words stung some part of him that he wasn't used to being in touch with. He was letting her get in deeper than just a tool, this first friend he'd made in these new lands. Was he just trying to fill in the gaps left by his fallen comrades? He didn't know. It just twisted inside him foully to hear her say that, knowing how ill-placed her trust was.

"I'll return soon, don't worry," he said, turning his four-legged body off in the other direction. He knew that the end of his journey would not be easy. The last objective would be more difficult to attain than any of the previous ones, they had already lost half of their party trying to get this far. Still, he had not anticipated that it would be difficult in this way. He would need to push aside these distractions to succeed in his final task. Hopefully, he had the discipline to do at least that much.

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